Pictures of the Day – April 18, 2018

Kick Flip

Kick Flip
by David Wallace

Spring time in northern Wisconsin.

Spring time in northern Wisconsin

Painting I did of my rainy street in Vancouver.

Painting I did of my rainy street in Vancouver

What 6 year old little girl doesn’t need a weapon rack?

What 6 year old little girl doesn't need a weapon rack

Helping my girlfriend’s grandmother move stuff in her basement. Turns out her late grandpa made sculptures out of matchsticks! Behold! The Taj Mahal!

Helping my girlfriend’s grandmother move stuff in her basement. Turns out her late grandpa made sculptures out of matchsticks! Behold! The Taj Mahal!

My wife drew this freehand for my nephew.

My wife drew this freehand for my nephew

My latest acrylic painting. “Wish You Were Here”.

My latest acrylic painting. "Wish You Were Here"

Redwood National Park, CA.

Redwood National Park, CA

This is Wisconsin right now.

This is Wisconsin right now

Dog, car and stars. What living in a van down by the river is really like.

Dog, car and stars. What living in a van down by the river is really like
by Ian Dow

The sun was shining bright in Prague.

The sun was shining bright in Prague

My Granddad doesn’t think his garden is that special, I disagree.

My Granddad doesn't think his garden is that special, I disagree

Mike the donkey is delighted to be rescued from this flood.

Mike the donkey is delighted to be rescued from this flood

My girlfriend is away and said she misses her favourite teddy, so I tried to bring her to life.

My girlfriend is away and said she misses her favourite teddy, so I tried to bring her to life

Beautiful flowers outside my office.

Beautiful flowers outside my office

A Collared Dove has made a nest and laid eggs on my scaffold lifting hoist. Looks like I’m hiring a new hoist or using the ladder to carry gear up.

A Collared Dove has made a nest and laid eggs on my scaffold lifting hoist. Looks like I’m hiring a new hoist or using the ladder to carry gear up

Mt. Fuji at dusk. Ran too slow to get a sunset picture..

Mt. Fuji at dusk. Ran too slow to get a sunset picture..

Owls born outside of the office window won’t stop staring at the workers.

Owls born outside of the office window won't stop staring at the workers

Mini pallet coasters I made from popsicle sticks.

Mini pallet coasters I made from popsicle sticks

Went to Iceland. Took this picture. No retouching done to it. I also have no idea what the people in the background are doing.

Went to Iceland. Took this picture. No retouching done to it. I also have no idea what the people in the background are doing

from HD Wallpapers 4 u

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Pictures of the Day – April 18, 2018
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