Men And Women Need Instructions To Each Other (22 pics)
When you’re not good at cooking sushi:1“You’re doing it wrong.”2
When your husband decides to iron a plastic bag instead of his shirt:3
When you’re ready to do everything for her:4
Boat for sale5
“I told my wife to stop leaving them around the house. Now they are reproducing.”6
“My girlfriend and I just bought a home. We’re unpacking. Her side of the shower vs. mine.”7
“My wife says I don’t understand breakfast in bed.”8
“My husband has a glass or 2 of wine the night before his days off. It never fails, he falls asleep half way into glass number 2.”9
“I bought VR. Haven’t had a chance to play yet.”10
Professional selfie11
“My wife and I started working out together.”12
“My wife and I started working out together.”13
My girlfriend wrapped her Christmas presents in fast food bags.14
Her bag turns you into the coolest guy.15
“When I asked my boyfriend to bring me home some food from the bar…”16
Shopping be like…17
“My girlfriend didn’t like the controllers laying around so I put them on the wall. She doesn’t like that either.”18
When you make the worst mistake:19
“Asked my boyfriend to make a dish for a potluck this weekend…”20
The author of this thing could be a family therapy psychologist.21
“Every married man choosing paint colors must bring an authorization slip from his wife.”
When your wife is an Instagrammer:22
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Tags: men, women, instructions, funny
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