Happiness Looks Exactly Like This (27 pics)

Happiness Looks Exactly Like This (27 pics)
This couple lost weight together in just 5 months:1Happiness Looks Exactly Like This"Quick turnaround: Lemon in the shelter vs. when we brought her home a few hours later. Instant happiness."2Happiness Looks Exactly Like This"Selfie kid lives 2 towns over from me and posted this."3Happiness Looks Exactly Like This"Just really happy to see my mom after 6 months of training."4Happiness Looks Exactly Like This"For over 2 years, my husband and I spent countless hours going through tests and treatments. After several heartbreaks, we decided to stop trying. 2 weeks later, we got a positive pregnancy test. Today we are celebrating our daughter's third month of life."5Happiness Looks Exactly Like This"Today was my last chemo treatment for breast cancer!"6Happiness Looks Exactly Like This"Today I won my 12-year battle against homelessness. For the first time since I was 16 years old, I finally have a place to call home."7Happiness Looks Exactly Like ThisThis is so cute!8Happiness Looks Exactly Like This"I just submitted my last final paper for my Master's degree!"9Happiness Looks Exactly Like This"My friend after biking 4,374 miles across the United States. From Washington to Maine."10Happiness Looks Exactly Like ThisAdorable!11Happiness Looks Exactly Like This"The pure happiness when I put Mickey Mouse ears on my wedding day! They were a surprise gift from my new husband to take on our honeymoon!"12Happiness Looks Exactly Like This"After 19 years, I have won my battle against trichotillomania! I present to you my first full head of hair since the 3rd grade!"13Happiness Looks Exactly Like This"After 9 years of battling addiction, I am almost 10 months sober. I got a new smile today after years of dental problems and I can’t even describe how much I love it!"14Happiness Looks Exactly Like This"It took me 31 years to see snow for the first time!"15Happiness Looks Exactly Like This"After 4 years of being out of school due to a traumatic brain injury, I am lucky to be able to call myself a student again."16Happiness Looks Exactly Like This"My beautiful girlfriend is an avid knitter and just finished her first sweater! I am unbelievably proud of her and she looks gorgeous sporting her new threads!"17Happiness Looks Exactly Like This"Proudest day of my life!"18Happiness Looks Exactly Like This"I said yes at the most magical place on earth!"19Happiness Looks Exactly Like This"I donated all of my hair yesterday."20Happiness Looks Exactly Like This"I'm a father now!"21Happiness Looks Exactly Like This"The day I met Robert"22Happiness Looks Exactly Like This"I suffer from severe depression. I traveled over 6,000 miles for a solo vacation in L.A. and I haven't been this happy in years."23Happiness Looks Exactly Like This"Phil Basser, a 99-year-old Eagles fan since 1933: “If I live to be 100, I might see the Eagles win a SuperBowl.” He was at the stadium tonight. He turns 100 years old next month."24Happiness Looks Exactly Like This"After a long custody battle, today I became the legal guardian of my little brother and we're both very happy."25Happiness Looks Exactly Like This"10 years ago, I was a terrified pregnant teenager who thought I’d never be able to give my daughter a decent life. After years of hard work and sacrifice, we were able to buy a house! Might seem mundane to some, but I never thought we’d make it here."26Happiness Looks Exactly Like This"Granny celebrating her 104th birthday!"27Happiness Looks Exactly Like This
Credits: brightside.me

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Tags: happiness, awesome

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