Porn Stars Know Sex Things That We Should Know Too (5 pics + 1 gif)

Porn Stars Know Sex Things That We Should Know Too (5 pics + 1 gif)
1Porn Stars Know Sex Things That We Should Know Too

Females faking an orgasm can really kill sexual chemistry. That’s why most actresses chose to have a steady masturbation cycle before filming a scene, to further enhance their climax experience. Even on set actors can feel the difference between a fake and organic climax leading to a forgettable experience.

The main reason behind pre-sex masturbation habits is to allow a vagina to become more engorged and more sensitive to the touch. Thus producing quick, mind-blowing orgasms when the time calls for it. Porn Star Rebbeca Moore swears by this sexual tactic and believes its the secret to achieving a genuine orgasms.

2Porn Stars Know Sex Things That We Should Know Too

Is it weird to you that your significant other is always wearing socks, even when it’s time to get down and dirty? Turns out it’s easier to achieve orgasms with warm feet, or at least good circulation, which keeping your feet covered promotes. The Shafta award winners (European porn awards) said that while filming, they tend to wear socks or slippers until the cameras start rolling to always stay ready. Like when a starting pitcher puts a jacket on between innings, same concept.

So next time your lover prances around in socks before getting down, try not to make them feel so bad for it.

3Porn Stars Know Sex Things That We Should Know Too

You remember when you were a kid and played pop warner football and hated warming up before the game? Turns out the physicality porn stars endear during a day of filming warrants a legit stretch routine before showtime. If you’re planning to show your partner the old razzle dazzle after work one day, be sure to limber up beforehand.

Now need to go overboard here with a daily supplement regimen or an hour-long stretch routine beforehand. Simply loosen up the joints, do a few leg stretches, pop the knees, stretch the groin and watch as you’ll be hitting all those positions you think of without any hesitation. It’s not corny if the pros do it, just think of it as more of a preventative measure.

4Porn Stars Know Sex Things That We Should Know Too

Many adult entertainers find that by maintaining eye contact they are able to achieve a certain level of intimacy with their fellow performer and zone out all distractions that may be going on around them. Word to the wise, rinse with some mouthwash before trying this, you don’t want to be breathing your stinky breath on your partner while trying to enhance the intimacy.

5Porn Stars Know Sex Things That We Should Know Too

It may look like porn stars are overly concerned with their looks when it comes to what they look like having sex, but it turns out that most of them throw all inhibitions out the window under the bright lights. Angel Long, winner of the Golden Cock award for Best Series said: “the times where we don’t care about sweat getting all over the place, or lighting issues, or disheveled hair or makeup were undoubtedly the best experiences.” In other words, let go of all physical worries that pop into your head and enjoy the experience for what it’s worth. In return, the sex will be that much more memorable.

6Porn Stars Know Sex Things That We Should Know Too

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