This Is Why You DEFINITELY Should Follow Jason Momoa On Instagram (21 pics + 2 gifs)

This Is Why You DEFINITELY Should Follow Jason Momoa On Instagram (21 pics + 2 gifs)

You might remember Jason Momoa as the intimidating and powerful Khal Drogo from Game Of Thrones

1This Is Why You DEFINITELY Should Follow Jason Momoa On Instagram

But his 6,4 million Instagram fans could tell you he’s also a really cool guy in real life

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From memorable captions

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To memorable moments like the time a fan brought this pic to meet him and he posted it on Instagram

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Or that time he got stuck between two stones

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This guy can rock any outfit

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And even looks good as an oddly proportioned figurine

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He knows how to keep his co-stars laughing

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A true method actor, never shying away from a tough scene

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But makes time for his other hobbies like beer

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Let’s not forget his skills as a master troller, like the when he snuck up on Henry Cavill

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Or the time he ignored this fan’s husband by putting his signature on his face

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“I told my husband I wanted a picture alone with Jason Momoa, but he wasn’t comfortable with that”

He is a true family man

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And takes his babies on adventures with him

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However, some adventures are just for friends

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He doesn’t take himself too seriously

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Whether he’s cracking up his co-stars

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Or just making himself laugh

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It’s obvious that everyone around him has a great time

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He won’t let you forget his passion for beer

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But his greatest love his for family

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If you follow him he is sure to rock your world

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Tags: Instagram, jason momoa, celebs, funny

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