These Animals Could Die Out Pretty Soon (21 pics)

These Animals Could Die Out Pretty Soon (21 pics)

Western lowland gorilla

1These Animals Could Die Out Pretty Soon

done byMeet Snowflake — a famous albino gorilla who knew a thing or 2 about love! He had offspring with 3 different females during his 36 years of life at the Barcelona Zoo. And it’s really cool of him, because the habitats of his species are suffering from deforestation, farming, and the over-grazing of other animals.


2These Animals Could Die Out Pretty Soon

Ocean sunfish, or mola, look like huge blobs and are the world’s largest fish with bones. Imagine eating one — what a mess! These fish are born with a back fin but it never fully develops and grows.

Tonkin snub-nosed monkey

3These Animals Could Die Out Pretty Soon

Pay attention — these monkeys are snub-nosed, not snob-nosed, though they do look a bit like snobs! Maybe that’s because they’re among the most endangered primates in the world.

Hooded (bladdernosed) seal

4These Animals Could Die Out Pretty Soon

Hooded seals have an elastic nasal membrane — or hood — on their heads and can inflate them by sending blood to the area (ouch). This often happens when another male approaches the seal’s female partner. The sight of this would scare even the bravest among us. Who knew they were such protective creatures?


5These Animals Could Die Out Pretty Soon

Scientists thought that coelacanth, a deepwater fish, became extinct about 70 million years ago. In 2001, a specimen weighing 170 pounds was found. This fish has changed very little over dozens of millions of years, which is truly amazing.

Sumatran rhino

6These Animals Could Die Out Pretty Soon

This kind of rhino is the smallest and hairiest of all their species, reaching a height of 100-150 cm. They love taking mud baths and spend around 300 minutes per day in there! There are less than 100 representatives of this species left out in the wild. Due to extensive poaching, their numbers decreased by almost 70% in the past 20 years.

Tuatara (sphenodon)

7These Animals Could Die Out Pretty Soon

It’s not a lizard and it’s not a dinosaur — but a combo of both! Tuatara is the one and only (lucky) descendant of the first dinosaur lineage. It has a light-sensitive organ on the top of its head which is often referred to as its third eye and it looks exactly the same as it did 200 million years ago.

Desman (muskrat)

8These Animals Could Die Out Pretty Soon

Part rat, part mole, part elephant, and part platypus — it’s a peculiar animal indeed! Tiny eyes the size of a pin are compensated by a profound nose that looks like a trunk. Desman also has 44 teeth, and its fur has a different structure than the fur of other animals: its hairs are thinner at the roots and thicker at the ends.

Mala (Rufous hare wallaby)

9These Animals Could Die Out Pretty Soon

Mala, small nocturnal animals from Australia, will only breed if there has been enough rainfall. Now that’s a reason to say “no” to your loved one! In fact, no rain means no grass for them, and youngsters may not survive when born.

Takahe bird

10These Animals Could Die Out Pretty Soon

Despite being a bird, New Zealand Takahe cannot fly since their breast muscles aren’t developed enough. Their population was once enormous, but their beautiful feathers were so attractive that people killed them into endangerment to use them as accessories.


11These Animals Could Die Out Pretty Soon

Numbats are close relatives of anteaters and feed on termites. They eat about 20,000 termites a day! Numbat babies clamp to a teat at their mom’s belly and stay there for 5 long months. The poor moms though…

Omura’s whale

12These Animals Could Die Out Pretty Soon

Found near the coast of Madagascar in 2013, this small whale is an enigma in itself. It’s pale on the one side and dark on the other and prefers to stay in tropical waters which is unusual for whale species. These waters don’t provide much food, so how Omura’s whales feed is quite a mystery.


13These Animals Could Die Out Pretty Soon

It is the third-tallest and second-heaviest bird in the world after the ostrich and emu. The southern cassowary is also one of the most dangerous birds, as its fierce kick can be fatal for a human or other smaller creature.


14These Animals Could Die Out Pretty Soon

The scientific name Fossa means “hidden anus” (believe it or not!) Their butt is kind of concealed by an anal pouch. Fossas live on the island of Madagascar and are the biggest carnivorous mammals there, feeding mostly on lemurs.

Spectacled bear

15These Animals Could Die Out Pretty Soon

Shy, peaceful, and solitary animals — these bears have a perfect personality and a peculiar look due to light patches of fur around their eyes. And believe it or not — they are great tree climbers, as their favorite (and almost only) source of food — the bromelia plant — grows high on trees!

Leatherback sea turtle

16These Animals Could Die Out Pretty Soon

It’s the biggest of 5 sea turtles that exist in the world and can reach up to 1,300 pounds. One individual turtle was recorded at 2,000 pounds and appeared in the Guinness Book of World Records. We’d sure love to touch them — they have a leathery shell which is much softer than the stone-like shell of other turtles.


17These Animals Could Die Out Pretty Soon

Found only in Vietnam and Laos, this Asian unicorn is one of the rarest mammals on the planet. Its name is translated as “spinning-wheel post horn.”


18These Animals Could Die Out Pretty Soon

The Vaquita, or Gulf of California harbor porpoise, is so cute it hurts! Yet only 12 individuals of this species remain in the world today, which makes them the most endangered of 129 marine mammal species. They usually get trapped in illegal nets purposed for fish and can’t get out. Go, vaquita, go!

Ili pika

19These Animals Could Die Out Pretty Soon

This “magic bunny” lives in China and is extremely rare to come across. Maybe taking pictures of them brings good luck? They prefer living at high elevations, from 2,800 to 4,100 meters, so you’d better start your climbing training sessions now!

Vancouver Island marmot

20These Animals Could Die Out Pretty Soon

Once considered one of the most endangered animals in the world, this cute species managed to build back from just 30 females left alive! They are a vivid example of how zoos do a great job of actually saving lots and lots of species from extinction and preserving biodiversity for all of us.

21These Animals Could Die Out Pretty Soon

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