They Do What They Want, Deal With It (48 pics)

They Do What They Want, Deal With It (48 pics)
1They Do What They Want, Deal With It“A man wanted me to replace his keyboard. I asked, ’Is anything else wrong?’ He said, ’No, everything’s fine.’ ”2They Do What They Want, Deal With It“This girl asked for lots of syrup and proceeded to fill her syrup bottle she brought.”3They Do What They Want, Deal With ItLogin: admin, password: admin4They Do What They Want, Deal With It5They Do What They Want, Deal With It6They Do What They Want, Deal With ItWhen your boss is on vacation:7They Do What They Want, Deal With It8They Do What They Want, Deal With It9They Do What They Want, Deal With It10They Do What They Want, Deal With ItThe most suitable place for glue11They Do What They Want, Deal With It12They Do What They Want, Deal With It“My volume knob came off a while back so I improvised with a coke cap.”13They Do What They Want, Deal With It“Asked my niece to mask the doorbell before we painted.”14They Do What They Want, Deal With It15They Do What They Want, Deal With It“A screenshot from my mom’s point of view: to scan a phone and print it”16They Do What They Want, Deal With It17They Do What They Want, Deal With ItAdding a few plastic chairs to an enclosure for animals and calling it “a patio” can bring you a lot of money.18They Do What They Want, Deal With It19They Do What They Want, Deal With It20They Do What They Want, Deal With It“The gentleman leading our training has just taken a permanent marker to the 60-inch Samsung on the wall!”21They Do What They Want, Deal With It22They Do What They Want, Deal With It23They Do What They Want, Deal With It24They Do What They Want, Deal With It25They Do What They Want, Deal With It

Little sister was invited to the “princess party”. But she wanted to be a puppy.

26They Do What They Want, Deal With It27They Do What They Want, Deal With It28They Do What They Want, Deal With It29They Do What They Want, Deal With It30They Do What They Want, Deal With It31They Do What They Want, Deal With It32They Do What They Want, Deal With It33They Do What They Want, Deal With It34They Do What They Want, Deal With It35They Do What They Want, Deal With It36They Do What They Want, Deal With It37They Do What They Want, Deal With It38They Do What They Want, Deal With It39They Do What They Want, Deal With It40They Do What They Want, Deal With It41They Do What They Want, Deal With It42They Do What They Want, Deal With It43They Do What They Want, Deal With It44They Do What They Want, Deal With It45They Do What They Want, Deal With It46They Do What They Want, Deal With It47They Do What They Want, Deal With It48They Do What They Want, Deal With It

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