Internet – The Biggest Detective Agency (16 pics)

Internet – The Biggest Detective Agency (16 pics)

This week, college student Brianna (left) posted a tweet about wanting to reunite with a girl that she met on a cruise back in 2006

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A 19-year-old from Jackson, Mississippi, later recalled: “I don’t think there were many kids our age on this particular dinner cruise, so I guess we just found each other and stuck together the whole time. The other night I was going through old scrapbooks and watching vacation videos and I saw her. So I was like: Wow, let’s see if Twitter can find her for me…”

Brianna’s tweet quickly went viral – she did not expect that people would react so fast

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And was not sure if they would find the person she was looking for

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But with over 120 thousand retweets, Internet quickly proved it can do basically anything

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In less than 12 hours, the good people of the internet managed to track down Heidi Tran – the same girl Brianna met on a cruise 12 years ago

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Since the two friends reunited, they’ve been making up for lost time, as Brianna said: “We’ve just caught up on life and school and everything.”

“I honestly thought it would take at least a week to find her. The internet is so amazing and showed me that it really is a small world after all.” – Brianna said

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The Twitter was soon flooded with people’s comments and reactions as they were thrilled to witness such a reunion

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A lot of people suggested that the girls meet up, but as they’re both college students, they don’t have the means to travel at the moment

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Someone suggested putting up a Go Fund Me for them, but the girls declined and warned people not to send their money

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Brianna said: “We attend college on two different sides of the country but we do plan to meet again once we get our funds together.”

And of course, the people of Twitter had the funniest reactions

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Tags: internet, help, cruise, friends, reunite

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