This Man Had A Good Reason To Take From His And His Wife’s Vacation Budget (2 pics)

This Man Had A Good Reason To Take From His And His Wife’s Vacation Budget (2 pics)

Recently, he took $800 from his and his partner’s holiday budget, shortening it by a couple of days. And he did it without them knowing.

1This Man Had A Good Reason To Take From His And His Wife’s Vacation Budget

But before you strike your gavel to convict the guy, scroll down to read the confession he texted his significant other. After all, he had a good reason.

2This Man Had A Good Reason To Take From His And His Wife’s Vacation Budget

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Tags: holiday budget, reason, act of kindness, trip money

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This Man Had A Good Reason To Take From His And His Wife’s Vacation Budget (2 pics)
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