What World Leaders Said About George H.W. Bush (29 pics)

What World Leaders Said About George H.W. Bush (29 pics)

George H.W. Bush was more than just a President…

1What World Leaders Said About George H.W. Bush

…he was a human that brought a smile to so many.

2What World Leaders Said About George H.W. Bush

The following are quotes from World Leaders about our 41st Commander-in-Chief.

3What World Leaders Said About George H.W. Bush

The Dalai Lama

“He was in fact the first American President that I was privileged to meet. I recall being deeply touched by your father’s concern for the Tibetan people and the situation in Tibet. It is truly admirable to have lived over 94 years. While nothing can replace the loss of a father, we can rejoice in the fact that his was a meaningful life, dedicated to public service. I commend your parents for encouraging their children, including you my dear friend, to devote yourselves to the service of others.”

4What World Leaders Said About George H.W. Bush

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern:

“The contribution President Bush made to international affairs over decades of service to the United States of America. (His) statesmanship played a key role in helping to end the Cold War, which bought democracy to millions of people in Europe and diminished the threat of nuclear war. George H.W. Bush was a strong supporter of the international rules-based system, the rule of law and democratic values.”

5What World Leaders Said About George H.W. Bush

Former President Barack Obama

“After seventy-three years of marriage, George and Barbara Bush are together again now, two points of light that never dimmed, two points of light that ignited countless others with their example – the example of a man who, even after commanding the world’s mightiest Military, once said, ‘I got more of a kick out of being one of the founders of the YMCA in Midland, Texas back in 1952 than almost anything I’ve done’.”

6What World Leaders Said About George H.W. Bush

Apple Inc. CEO Tim Cook on Twitter:

“We have lost a great American. Service defined President George H.W. Bush’s life, and he taught all of us about leadership, sacrifice and decency. We send our deepest sympathies to the Bush family.”

7What World Leaders Said About George H.W. Bush

German Chancellor Angela Merkel:

“The German people had in him a true friend who recognized the significance of this historic hour and gave us his trust and support…the courageous and peaceful revolution by people east of the Iron Curtain met with the courage and skill of a statesman who, together with others, led Europe and the trans-Atlantic partnership through this upheaval and ushered in a new era.”

8What World Leaders Said About George H.W. Bush

Former Soviet premier Mikhail Gorbachev:

“I have a lot of memories associated with this person.” The 2 Leaders found a way to work together during the late 1980s and into the ‘90s…

9What World Leaders Said About George H.W. Bush

Mikhail Gorbachev

“We had a chance to work together during the years of tremendous changes. It was a dramatic time that demanded great responsibility from everyone. The result was an end to the Cold War and the nuclear arms race.” “I pay tribute to the contribution of George H. W. Bush to this historic achievement. He was a real partner.”

10What World Leaders Said About George H.W. Bush

Former FBI Director James Comey, His memory of American morals from Bush, “Remembering the wisdom of a great American leader: ‘America is never wholly herself unless she is engaged in high moral principle. We as a people have such a purpose today. It is to make kinder the face of the nation and gentler the face of the world.’ -George H. W. Bush.”

11What World Leaders Said About George H.W. Bush

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair:

“President Bush was an extraordinary and exemplary public servant. A man dedicated to his country, the values it stands for at its best and to making the world better, more stable and more peaceful. He occupied the office of president with dignity and purpose. He was a great friend and ally to Britain, a supporter of the Transatlantic Alliance and a huge influence in the development of Europe after the fall of the Berlin Wall. My deepest sympathies and condolences go to the Bush family at this time.”

12What World Leaders Said About George H.W. Bush

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu:

“His wise leadership at the end of the Cold War helped steer the world to a peaceful transition and the spread of democracy. The people of Israel will always remember his commitment to Israel’s security, his important contribution to the liberation of Soviet Jewry, and his efforts to achieve peace in the Middle East at the Madrid Conference.”

13What World Leaders Said About George H.W. Bush

Former President Jimmy Carter

“Rosalynn and I are deeply saddened by the death of former President George H.W. Bush. His administration was marked by grace, civility, and social conscience. Through his Points of Light initiative and other projects, he espoused a uniquely American volunteer spirit, fostering bipartisan support for citizen service and inspiring millions to embrace community volunteerism as a cherished responsibility.”

14What World Leaders Said About George H.W. Bush

Former President Bill Clinton

“I will be forever grateful for the friendship we formed. From the moment I met him as a young governor invited to his home in Kennebunkport, I was struck by the kindness he showed to Chelsea, by his innate genuine decency, and by his devotion to Barbara, his children, and their growing brood.”

15What World Leaders Said About George H.W. Bush

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

“(He was) deeply saddened..Bush accomplished historic, great achievements by contributing to peace and stability of the international community.”

16What World Leaders Said About George H.W. Bush

British Prime Minister Theresa May

“(Bush was) a great statesman and a true friend of our country, (whose) ethos of public service was the guiding thread of his life and an example to us all…in navigating a peaceful end to the Cold War. He made the world a safer place for generations to come.”

17What World Leaders Said About George H.W. Bush

The US Naval Air Forces

“Naval Aviation mourns the passing of our 41st President, George H.W. Bush, a Naval Aviator, statesman, and humble public servant,” the US Naval Air Forces said in a tweet. “His legacy lives on in those who don the cloth of our great nation and in the mighty warship which bears his name, @CVN77_GHWB. May he Rest In Peace.”

18What World Leaders Said About George H.W. Bush

Former Vice President Dan Quayle, who served as President George H.W. Bush’s vice president:

“He was a completely genuine, decent, and honorable person. What’s more, he went into and out of the office as absolutely the same man. I think that exemplifies his character. I have often told my children, ‘If you want a role model in your life — look to President George Herbert Walker Bush.’ The world mourns the loss of a great American. But it also celebrates a life well lived.”

19What World Leaders Said About George H.W. Bush

French President Emmanuel Macron

“On behalf of the French people, I convey all my condolences to the American nation for the loss of former President George Bush. He was a world leader, who strongly supported the alliance with Europe. Our sympathy to his family and beloved ones.”

20What World Leaders Said About George H.W. Bush

President Donald Trump:

“Through his essential authenticity, disarming wit, and unwavering commitment to faith, family and country, President Bush inspired generations of his fellow Americans to public service — to be in his words, ‘a thousand points of light’ illuminating greatness, hope, and opportunity of American to the world.”

21What World Leaders Said About George H.W. Bush

During WW2, he was downed out at Sea.

22What World Leaders Said About George H.W. Bush

Above is the submarine crew that rescued him.

23What World Leaders Said About George H.W. Bush

Queen Elizabeth

“It was with sadness that I learned of the death of President George H.W. Bush last night. President Bush was a great friend and ally of the United Kingdom. He was also a patriot, serving his country with honor and distinction in Office and during the Second World War. Prince Philip and I remember our days in Texas in 1991 with great fondness. My thoughts and prayers are with President Bush’s family and the American people.”

24What World Leaders Said About George H.W. Bush

EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker

“I will never forget the role he played in making Europe a safer and more united place following the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Iron Curtain.” “President Bush’s calmness, leadership and close personal relationships with Helmut Kohl and Mikhail Gorbachev were decisive in restoring peace and freedom back to so many people across our Continent. We Europeans will forever remember this.”

25What World Leaders Said About George H.W. Bush

“This is America…a brilliant diversity spreads like a thousand points of Light in a Broad and Peaceful Sky.” -George H.W. Bush

26What World Leaders Said About George H.W. Bush

Former President George W. Bush

“Jeb, Neil, Marvin, Doro, and I are saddened to announce that after 94 remarkable years, our dear dad has died. George H.W. Bush was a man of the highest character and the best dad a son or daughter could ask for. The entire Bush family is deeply grateful for 41’s life and love, for the compassion of those who have cared and prayed for dad, and for the condolences of our friends and fellow citizens.”

27What World Leaders Said About George H.W. Bush

Charm…we could all take something away from his infectious smile. (All of the aircraft carrier photos from our New (CVN-77), the USS George H.W. Bush)

28What World Leaders Said About George H.W. Bush29What World Leaders Said About George H.W. Bush
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