Just How Much Winston Churchill Was Drinking (10 pics)

Just How Much Winston Churchill Was Drinking (10 pics)
1Just How Much Winston Churchill Was Drinking

Drink #1

2Just How Much Winston Churchill Was Drinking

Immediately after waking up, Sir Churchill would start his work day in his bed. Still in PJ’s and surrounded by both secretaries and piles of paper, the man would work diligently with his first drink, Scotch (always Johnnie Walker) and Soda, right by his side. This drink was consumed typically at around 9 A.M. and was, to be honest, reportedly always very weak. Some called it his “mouthwash.”

Drink #2

3Just How Much Winston Churchill Was Drinking

At around 10 or 10:30, Winston would have his “top up” of another Scotch and Soda. More often than not, he was still in bed while working by this point in time.

Drink #3

4Just How Much Winston Churchill Was Drinking

Another hour later, at around 11, Winston took on his third Scotch & Soda of the day. This time, however, he’d be up and about taking care of… whatever British things needed to be taken care of. This man wasn’t one to sip on tea and munch on crumpets all day, was he?

Drink #4

5Just How Much Winston Churchill Was Drinking

By the time lunch rolled around, Winston would be ready to drink more alcohol- only this time, Scotch was off the table, and it was time for some Champagne. His favourite brand was Pol Roger. He would go through one imperial pint sized bottle during a lunch which, no doubt, came complete with mushy peas and some sort of meat.

Drink #5

6Just How Much Winston Churchill Was Drinking

Immediately after lunch, Winston would get back to work. While working, though, he chose to be accompanied by a nice glass of Cognac.


7Just How Much Winston Churchill Was Drinking

After a post-lunch cognac or two, Churchill would have a quick, one hour nap in the afternoon.

Drinks #6, 7, and 8

8Just How Much Winston Churchill Was Drinking

After his nap, Churchill would get back to work. He would work whilst drinking another Scotch & Soda every hour from around 4-7.

Drink #9

9Just How Much Winston Churchill Was Drinking

Before dinner, he would consume a nice glass of his favourite Amontillado Sherry.

Drink #10 and the nightcap

10Just How Much Winston Churchill Was Drinking

During dinner, Winston would go back to having another pint bottle of Champagne. Post-dinner, it’s back to the brandy just before bed.

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Tags: winston churchill, drinking, wow

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