This Guy Has Quite A Challenge Ahead Of Him (6 pics + 3 gifs)

This Guy Has Quite A Challenge Ahead Of Him (6 pics + 3 gifs)

Anna and Lucy De Cinque are the self-proclaimed ‘world’s most identical twins’. The Australian sisters already share a lot – their birthdays, looks, fashion, plastic surgeries…

1This Guy Has Quite A Challenge Ahead Of Him

They’ve even shared the same boyfriend, Ben Byrne, since 2012. So obviously they’d want to be pregnant at the same time to keep up their identical appearances, right? And I guess it only makes sense that Benny boy would do the deed, or deeds?

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Yup, makes total sense.

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As if things couldn’t get weirder, Anna and Lucy not only want to be pregnant at the same time, they want to give birth at the same time. Like, the EXACT SAME TIME.

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The girls have admitted that they know this puts a lot of pressure on their man, and to that, I would say, “Ya! You think!?” Not only does this dude have to successfully impregnate both of them at the same time, and what are the chances of that, but he’s going to have to live with two pregnant women at the same damn time too, and I know the chances of that – 0.

Now, I know pregnancy is a beautiful miracle that most couples would love to experience, including me and the old lady, but I guarantee you ask any guy that’s been through it about Ben’s chances of survival, and they’ll all tell you the same thing.

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No fucking way, man!

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The trio planned on getting married back in 2016, but unfortunately for them, it’s illegal to marry two people at once in Australia, even if they are identical twins. So that’ll have to wait for now, but parenthood is still on the table.

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And that brings me to my next point. Let’s say this actually happens, that would mean the children would not only be half-siblings, but cousins too. And Ben would be the father to both of them, as well as their uncle… Wrap your head around that one.

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I’ll tell you one thing, there’s going to be some real interesting family gatherings in that house. Probably some real interesting therapy sessions too.

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Tags: wtf, challenge, twins, pregnant, Anna and Lucy De Cinque

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